English writing

Save the world by eating insects

Save the world by eating insects

Save the world by eating insects

Please find attached the notes from today, the handout on conditional types, and the homework for next time. 

Please watch this short video discussing the practice of eating insects as a form of food. Write a response where you answer the following questions:

  • Do you know of any societies or cultures where eating bugs is commonplace?

  • Do you think you could ever eat bugs for food? Have you ever eaten them before?

  • Do you think bugs could be a solution to the problem of poverty and malnutrition in the world?

As far as I know, people from south-east Asia like Cambodia and Laos like eating bugs. There are Ugly Bugs like flies and their maggots which might trigger sickness and a disgusted feeling in us, that’s why we tend to believe that those people who are eating bugs are savage and less civilized.  We couldn’t imagine why people would put those bugs into their mouths, we get goosebumps even watching them chewing and enjoying the bugs, we think those people are different from us, and they were born to eat insects.

I think food is a cultural issue rather than people being programmed to be bug-eaters. Just like the people who lived inland like in Mongolia who believed that seafood is unclean, similarly, we also can’t understand why those people are so cruel because they eat dogs. I was convinced that eating bugs could be a solution to the shortage of food, after watching videos and articles. I think it is an eco-friendly way to maintain a sustainable life. Compared with the cattle industry, insect farming generates less carbon dioxide, consumes less energy and has less of a moral burden. So maybe I should adjust my mind to give it a try, even though I have never eaten bugs before.

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