English writing

Why we all procrastinate?

Why we all procrastinate?

Why we all procrastinate?

Please watch this video about procrastination and write a response where you answer the following questions:

  • Do you ever procrastinate?

  • What’s a time where you procrastinated and what was the result?

Actually, this is the first time I have come across this term, so I searched its meaning on google and read some articles like this, it was interesting because it explained why it was different from laziness: we procrastinate because we’re not in a good mood.  It simply means we tend to deal with the urgent/strong negative mood that arises from dealing with difficult tasks, which are less urgent, and supposed to be completed a few weeks or a few days later. I kept searching the related content about procrastination and found that I lost my energy in writing the feedback about procrastination, then I told myself I would do it tomorrow.

I have always had a procrastination problem, for example, when I was in school, I usually studied overnight when sitting an examination or writing an assignment before the deadline. Most people (including myself) usually want immediate gratification rather than to spend time thinking and writing feedback like this. Just like nicotine dependence or alcohol addiction, we all know that it is a problem but sometimes it’s just too difficult to get rid of them. Managing negative feelings and cultivating self-rewarding behaviours sounds like it could be a solution, which was suggested by the article, such as dividing a big task into smaller ones, and rewarding yourself with an ice-cream cone while completing a smaller one. It could work, I will try it another day.

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